Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mr. Universe

I think that people like Brother Bill miss a great point in that we have way more black people who are successful today, that we can look up too, then in the time he spoke about. They forget to consider that the playing field has only been leveling (not completely leveled) for 30-40yrs. Which means that most of the parents of this generation grew up in times of enforced poverty, where education was separate but not even close to being equal and that period of time has a direct effect on the generation that is being raised today. Many of the Afro-American (or black people) college students today are first generation. Fathered and mothered by parents who are in many cases first generation high school graduates. Even with the opportunities of today this can not be erased and forgotten over night. You have to realize that people of other races have been in the driver seat of our country for centuries passing power and knowledge down from generation to generation, that table cant be leveled over night, it takes generations of success to construct. Its like working out or taking steroids these thing only work in cycles. If I give you a bag full of H.G.H (or whatever Barry Bonds was using) and sent you into the weight room tomorrow with the goal of being Mr. Universe you would see minimal gain if any. But as you continued to work out you would move into a period were you would see greater increases in strength still wouldn't be Mr. Universe but way stronger than before. The next cycle you would hit would be a plateau, you might even recess a little, you would be way stronger than you ever were but the pace of growth would slow. This is your body leveling itself out and healing. This would give you a brand new base and starting point that is way higher than the one you previously started at and you would continue to move in cycles. Until you reached Mr. Universe status.

Next you have to decided what Mr. Universe looks like to you! I think its crazy that none of our symbols of power or authority resemble black people. In todays society we believe that the pinnacle of success is not perpetuated in our culture. Plus most of the stereotypes placed upon blacks stretch across many cultures and types of people. Plenty of white people live beyond their means due to cultural influence. Its just okay for them to do it because we let white culture dictate what we deem as acceptable. Theres nothing wrong with expensive jewelry or expensive cars Jay Leno has over 50 cars and we call that a extensive car collection, Lil Wayne has over 50 cars and he's just wasting his money. We need to hold on to our culture and make other cultures adapt to what we feel is acceptable not conform. We have to realize that this country we live in was so called "founded" by a group of people that didn't want to abide by the culture and laws of there nation and took over another and made other people conform to there views. Now, I'm not preaching a revolution or saying using the same tactics used to secure this land but I'm just saying don't be afraid to hold on to what you believe is Mr. Universe looks like and strive to be that.

Pardon the Errors

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